CQ Calling*    2018. 06. 10

CQ CQ CQ Calling !! THIS IS "DS2LSN"

Please give me a call now standing by "HL0LYA"

This is DS2LSN. Your call-sign "HL0LYA" copied

QRZ ? Will you repeat your call-sign ?

I have copied "HL0LYA", all light ?

Yes. That's right. No. It's mistaken (wrong)

It is not 'DS2LSR', but my call-sign "DS2LSN"

Have you copied it yet ? Thank you for answering my calling

How are you Today ? How do you do ? I'm glad to meet you

I haven't seen you for a long time

I'm happy to meet you again.


Name. Place. Signal Report ***

My name is "DONG JOO-SHIN", call-sign "DS2LSN"

QTH here is "An-yang City, Republic of KOREA"

Your Signal report is 5, 9 plus

I can get a Clean signal

Now we have QRM on this Frequency.

There is a lot of noise

It is difficult to copy because the signal is too weak.

How do you feel about my signal.

Please, give me my signal report.


Weather ***

It is fine today. Today is Fine, But Yesterday's Rainning

It's rainning now. Today is Rainning now~

It's snowing now. It's cold today. It is cloudy here

It's hot today. Today is hot !! very hot ~


Leage. Ant introduction. QSL-card ***

My equipment is Icom IC-2720, Mobile SYS. Ant is GP "SIRIO-2016".

I'm using "DIAMOND GP" as an antenna.

This Antenna is 5.7 meters high

I'm going to send you QSL cards through the Bureau

I'm going to send it to you directly

May I have your address ?


Conditions. QSY. Understand ***

It is a nice (Good) condition today

I don't get it well owing to much QRM

It is bad in a radio wave condition

A mixture of signal is clearing out.

can you QSY ? OK. we will QSY.

OK. Let's go QSY channel 12. citizen Band

All right QSY 145.600MHz or citizen band channel 12

have you copied them already ?

I've copied all of them. I've copied a part of them

I beg your pardon. please. I've copied a part of them.

May I ask you a call-sign again ?

I didn't copy your name. & call-sign ?


MIC Stand-by ***

Let me hand over a microphone.

Please get a microphone. I got a microphone

Wait a moment, please. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.

Excuse me, let me have a break for a while.


Business languege ***

you speak KOREAN well. (or English)

I have been to America before.

I have been studing English. but it is hard to study.

There are many neighbors who can speak English around me

Please visit KOREA if you have a chance.

Please call me up when you come to "SEOUL". I hope to see you

I was surprised to hear you speak korean Fluently.

Thank you for Praising me.

I have studied English with text books and record-tapes

My family consists of four persons

How many members in your family ? I have a wife, a son and a daughter


Final ***

I enjoyed an exchange of messages with you

I must send a final messages because of my poor English

I'm sending a final messages.

I hope you will send me a long QSO when you speak well

Thank you for a good exchange of messages

I expect you to send me messages when a radio wave condition improves


See you again. 73 !! ***

May you improve in your health !! Good - Bye CQ

I'm sending a final messages. see you again !! 73 ~ ^^


Introduction Myself "DS2LSN" ***

Hi, good morning.Today is Saturday, and I will introduce myself.My name is Shin dong Joo, 63 years old and goat Simbol

I am currently working at Anyang City Library, and

my job is to manage computer and guide the library.

My hobby is to communicate with an amateur radio, and

I also have a license for an air wireless carrier and

a marine wireless operator.

Air Radio is a communication activity performed by aircraft and control stations and has the authority of the pilot to communicate within the aircraft.

The same goes for marine wireless carriers.

All large and small boats floating in the sea have all

the communication that the captain can make.

And I have a license to be a medical officer, and

I have the authority to conduct medical actions, manage medicines, and supervise the accidents that occur on every vessel in the sea.

A fire safety manager is an essential qualification for the job of building management, which is to manage the building and to protect against fire. This is a license related to my job.

Flight Air Broadcasting ***

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard.

Our flight time to London will be 11 hour after take-off.

Please make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened and refrain from smoking during the entire flight.


Also, the use of portable electronic devices is not allowed during take-off and landing. For your comfort and safety, all heavy or fragile items must be placed under the seat in front of you. once we are airborne, and I have turned off the seatbelt sign, you are free to move about the cabin.


However, I strongly recommend that you remain seated with your seatbelt fastened. when you are not moving about the cabin.

If there is anything we can do to make your flight more comfortable,

our cabin attendants are happy to assist you.

The plane will touch down at the airport soon.


Connecting passengers will be advised of their flights when

we reach our destination. Before leaving the aircraft, please check to make sure that you have not left any items behind.


Thank you for flying Korea Air, and we wish you a pleasant stay here in London.


Flight Plan ***

Ladies and Gentleman We would like to inform you, our flight plan

We will be flying at an altitude of 35.000 feet with ground speed of 600 miles per hour.


our flight time to London will be 11 hours and 45 minutes, and

we expect to arriver there at 5 p.m the time difference between

Seoul and London is 9 hours. The present time there is 4 a.m

The weather en route is forecasted to be generally Fair.


However, we would recommend you to keep your seat-belt while seated. As a precaution against sudden turbulence. Thank you


Farewell ***

Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome to abroad. For your safety,

Please remain seated until the captain has turned off the seat belt sign.


Before leaving the aircraft, Please check make sure That you have not left any items behind. Thank you for flying Korean Air. and We wish you a pleasant stay here in London


Arival Announcement ***

Ladies and Gentleman !! May I have your attention, Please ?

We will be landing at Honolulu International Airport 10 minutes, please fasten your seat belt and refrain from your smoking.


please, remain in your seat until this aircraft comes to a complete stop. The local time is 9:20 a.m and the temperature outside is 60 degrees Celsius 35 degrees Fahrenheit.


All passengers leaving here are requested to have their passports and disembarkaton cards ready for inspection by the authorities.

we hope that you have enjoyed your Trip Thank you.



My home address is 202-103, Poil Zai-apt, 14, Naeson-ro, Uiwang-si,

Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

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