1. 다음의 문장에서 (  )안에 들어갈 적당한 단어를 선택하시오.

 The distress call and message are (    ) on the authority of the person  responsible for      the ship.

   send                        sent 

   transmit                    transmitted


2. 그저께 내가 샀던 것은 이 책이다. 영역으로 적당한 것은?

   It was this book that I had bought yesterday

   It was this book that I bought the day before yesterday

   It is this book that I bought yesterday

   It is this book that I bought the day before yesterday


3. 그는 무선종사자 국가시험을 통과하는데 성공했다, 를 영작하면?

   He succeeded pass the state examination for radio operators

   He succeeded in pass the state examination for radio operators

   He succeeded in passing the state examination for radio operators

   He succeeded to passing the state examination for radio operators

4. He is radio operator (      ) is engaged in the service of a amateur  radio station.

   다음중 (  )안에 알맞은 단어는 ?

   who           what           where           which


5. Sometimes it is necessary for a mobile station       signals for testing or adjustment

  다음 중      밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 적당한 단어는 ?

   send         sending          sent             to send


Administrations accept no responsibility for the  (1)consequences.

that ( 2 ) arise from the use of inaccurate information

furnished, defective working, or failure of the their station.

☞ 다음 글을 읽고 아래 물음에 답하시오 ?


6. 밑줄 친 (1)과 의미가 가장 가까운 것은 ?

   causes            results            works        information


7. ( 2 )에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 말은 ?

   may              can                could         might


Spring has returned and has begun to open her beautiful self.

She throws herself on beds of wild flowers ; (1)she walks on the hills, calling

the (2)singers of the sky down to her               

☞ 다음 글을 읽고 아래 물음에 답하시오

8. 밑줄 친 (1)은 구체적으로 무엇을 나타내는가?

   beautiful self         spring         beds           flowers


9. 밑줄 친 (2)은 구체적으로 무엇을 나타내는가?

  ㉮ 나비들                ㉯ 새들           ㉰ 나무들          ㉱ 꽃들


10. What signal do you use to indicate the end of work between two station?

   we send signal VA                   we send signal AR

   we send signal BT                   we send signal AS


11. You will have to reduce your transmitter power.

    밑줄친 부분과 같은 것의 뜻은 ?

   cut off       cut across      cut away       cut down


12 다음 중 조난신호에 해당하는 것은 ?

   Alarm signal      Distress signal       Safety signal       Urgency signal


13. If you don't start at once, you will miss the train.

    위의 문장과 같은 의미의 문장은 ?

   start at once, and you will miss the train

   start at once, or you will miss the train

   don't start at once, and you will miss the train

   don't start at once, or you will miss the train


14. “무선통신사가 되고자 하는 사람은 누구나 먼저 무선종사자 국가시험에 합격해야 한다.”의

    내용으로 맞는 것은?

    Whoever dosen't want to become a radio operator has to pass the state examination

       for radio operators first.

    Whoever wants to become a radio will pass the state examination  for radio

       operators first.

    Whoever wants to become a radio  operator has to pass the state examination  for

      radio operators first.

    Whoever wants to become a radio  operator first has to pass the state examination

      for radio operators.



15. QRN?” 과 뜻이 같지 아니한 것은 ?

    I am troubled by static nil.

    I am troubled by static severely.

    I am interfered moderately.

    I am troubled by static slightly.


16. “태양은 동쪽에서 떠서 서쪽으로 진다”의 영역으로 맞는 것은 ?

    The sun raise in the east and sets in the west.

    The sun comes from the east and sets in the west.

    The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

    The sun rises in the east and goes in the west


17. QSL ?" 과 같은 뜻의 것은 ?

    May you acknowledge receipt ?         Will you acknowledge receipt ?

    Shall I acknowledge receipt ?           Can you acknowledge receipt ?


18. 다음 중 구문통화 발음방법에서 음절을 강조한 것이 틀린 것은 ?

    H - Hoh tell     K - Key loh  L - Lee mah     O - Oss cah


19. 다음 중 약어의 설명이 옳지 아니한 것은 ?


    AR : End of transmission               BK : Break


    BQ : A reply to a RQ                   CFM : confirm!



20. Members agree (1)to take all possible measures, (2)compatible with the system

   of telecommunication used, (3)with a view ensuring (4)the secrecy of international

   correspondence. 밑줄 친 (1), (2) ,(3), (4) 의 국역으로 틀린 것은 ?

   (1)은 모든 가능한 한의 조치를 취하다.             (2) --에 적합한

    (3)은 확보하기 위하여                             (4)는 국제통신의 암어


21. 업무용 약어 “QRX"와 같은 뜻의 것은 ?  

    Your frequency varies                          I will call you again

    I shall send more slowly                       I am busy


22. “참 좋은 날씨구나”를 영역한 것으로 옳은 것은 ?

    What fine day it is !                           How fine day it is !

    What a fine day it is !                         How a fine day it is !


23. When summer (    ) everyone will go to the beaches. (  )안에 알맞는 말은 ?

    come          comes                came               comin

24. Either she or you  (      ) in the wrong. (  )안에 알맞는 말은 ?

    are           is                     has been            was


25. Sometimes it is necessary (     ) a mobile station (     ) send signals

    (      ) testing or adjustment. (  )안에 알맞는 말로 이루어진 것은 ?

    for- to- in     for- in- for    for- for- for       for- to- for


☞ 다음 글을 읽고 아래 물음에 답하시오 ?

 I now don't care much whether I live or die.

 The world will still keep on turning without me.

 (A) is going to happen is going to happen.

26. (   )안에 알맞는 관계대명사는 ?

    who             which              what              that


27. 윗글에 나타난 분위기는 어떤 분위기인가 ?

   ㉮ 유쾌한 분위기   ㉯ 희망적 분위기    ㉰ 슬픈 분위기       ㉱ 절망적 분위기

28. “이곳은 좀 더 느리게 송신할까요?” 에 알맞는 의문문은 ?

    Shall I send more slowly ?             Shall I send more slow ?

    May I send slower ?                   Can I send more slowly ?


29. 다음 중 구문통화 발음방법에서 음절을 강조한 것이 틀린 것은 ?

    D - Dell tah     E - Eck oh     F - Foks trot     G - Golf


30. 전기통신 업무에 해당하는 것은 ?

    Telegraph service                       service of communication

    communication service                  Telecommunication service


31. All members shall be entitled to participate in conferences of the <st2:place w:st=on">Union</st2:place>.

    밑줄 친 부분의 해석으로 적당한 것은 ?

   ㉮ ~라고 칭하다  ㉯ ~라는 칭호를 주다.  ㉰ ~의 권리가 있다  ㉱ ~의 표제를 붙이다


32. I don't feel like (      ) tonight. (  )안에 알맞는 형태의 말은 ?

    study          to study          studied          studying

 What do you come across a word that is (1)not familiar ?

 Do you stop to look it ( 2 ), do you try to analyze its parts, or do you look for      clues in the way the world is used in its settings or surrounding.

☞ 상기 글을 읽고 아래 물음에 답하시오 ?

 33. 밑줄 친 (1)에 대치해 쓸 수 있는 말은 ?

     familiar         unfamiliar        infamiliar          so familiar


34. (2)에 알맞은 말은 ?

    up               in                for                  at


35. Abbreviation for asking the tone of signal ?

    QRA            QRL              QRG                QRI


36. What signal do you use to indicate the end of work between two stations ?


    BT         AR           VA              NIL

37. 다음의 문장에서  (    )안에 들어갈 적당한 단어는 ?

    I wont you (    ) this telegram to the telegraph office as soon as possible

    take         to take          took           taking


38. I feel that the (    ) is drawing nearer. (  )안에 알맞는 말은 ?

    liberate        liberated          liberation        to liberate


39. “ 그는 국가고시에 확실히 성공할 것이다.” 의 바른 영작은 ?

    He succeeds surely in the state examination.

    He will have to succeed in the state examination.

    He should succeed surely in the state examination.

    He will surely succeed in the state examination.


40. Abbreviation QRK is used?

    for asking the intelligibility of signal.

    for asking the strength of signal.

    for asking the interference of wave

    for asking the increase of power


41. 무선전화 통화에 대한 약어 중 “How do you read ?"와 같은 뜻의 무선전신 약어는 ?

    QSN ?        QSA ?        QRM ?        QRK


42. 다음 중 서로 뜻이 다른 것은 ?

    QRV - I am ready                     QRL - I am busy

    QRX - I will call you again           QRO - I shall send more slowly


43. All stations are forbidden to carry out the transmission of signals without

    identification. 밑줄 친 부분과 같은 뜻의 것은 ?

    expeet            remember             convey         execute


44. I called the HL4HVM amateur station three times at intervals of two minutes,

    but there was no reply from the station. 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 같은 것은 ?

    ㉮ 반복해서          ㉯ 간격             ㉰ 때때로           ㉱ ~간격으로


45. The readability of your signals (    ) perfectly readable. ( )안에 맞는 것은 ?

    are              being              is               are being


46. Radio communication already in progress between mobile station (   ) with by the

    emissions of another mobile station. (  )안에 알맞는 것은 ?

   interfering                            is interfered    

   was interfering                       will be interfered


47. "Shall I send more slowly ?"와 같은 뜻의 Q부호는 ?

    QRQ            QRS               QRH              QRX


48. It may well be said  ___ this is the age of radio waves.

    밑줄 부분에 들어갈 단어는 ?

    that            to                 whose             who


49. (       ) do you call this is english ?.  (  ) 안에 들어갈 적당한 단어는 ?

    How           What              Where              Which


50. The speed of telegraph transmission  in case of distress must not in general

    exceed 16 words a minute. 밑줄친 부분과 뜻이 간은 단어는 ?

    In the event of     In that case      In the event     as the case


51. Radio waves (      ) come to be applied to various uses.

    (   ) 안에 알맞는 단어는 ?

    has                  have             had              have been


52. You had better clear the road (       ) snow.

    (   ) 안에 알맞는 단어는 ?

    of                  off              from               to


53. I made the distress call over and over untill I was acknowledged receipt.

   밑줄친 부분과 같은 뜻의 단어는 ?

    repeatedly           gradually        permanently      overhear


54. He has knowledge, and exprience (         ).

    (    )안에 들어갈 적당한 단어는 ?

    as well as          as much as      as well           such as

55. I received a telegram informing me of my success in the state examination

   for radio operators. 밑줄 친 부분을 다른 말로 대치할 수 있는 단어는 ?

    which informed                          which informs   

    which will inform                     which had informed


56. The Q code has a meaning that I am busy ? 

    QRL               QRN            QRR           QRB


57. Can it is be true ?

   ㉮ 사실일지도 모른다.                          ㉯ 사실일 수 있을까?

   ㉰ 사실인가?                                   ㉱ 사실임에 틀림없겠지?


58. QRT"의 옳은 뜻은 ?

   Shall I stop sending ?                       Will you stop sending ?

   May I stop sending ?                       Can I stop sending ?


59. I called the  w 7 who amateur station three times at intervals of two minutes,

    but three was no reply from the station. 밑줄친 부분의 국역으로 맞는 것은 ?

  ㉮ 때때로         ㉯ 순서로            ㉰ ~간격으로          ㉱ 정해진


60. 다음의 문장에서 의미가 가장 가까운 것은 ?

     Telecommunication by means of radio waves."

   radio          radio waves         communication   radio communication


61. “성공하고자 하는 의지가 있는 사람은 그 일에 반을 이룬 사람이다.”를 영역하면 ?

   He who wills success is half way to it.

   He who succeeded is half way to it.

   He who succeeds half is way to it.

   He who wills succeed is half way to it.


62. Members of the union shall have the rights and shall be subject to the obligations

   provided for in the convention. 밑줄 친 부분의 해석으로 맞는 것은 ?

  ㉮ ~을 얻는 것을 조건으로                  ㉯ ~에 복종하다

  ㉰ ~을 가정하여                              제목, 과목


63. This is the same street (   ) lived in for nine years. (  )안에 들어갈 단어는?

   where           that             who              when


64. Columbus discoverd america" 를 수동태로 바꾼 것으로 맞는 것은?

   America was discoverd by columbus.       America is been discoverd by columbus

   America had been discoverd by columbus  America had been discoverd by columbus

65. “국제통신서에” 해당하는 뜻은? 

International code of signals                 The national code of signals

   International morse of code                  International morse code of signals


※ 다음 문장을 읽고 아래 물음에 답하시오.

 Mobile station (1) hear their call sign during the transmission of (2) must reply

 as soon as they can do so.

66. (1)안에 들어갈 적당한 단어는 ?

   what            that             which             of which


67. (2)안에 들어갈 적당한 단어는 ?

   the call sign    traffic lists      the telegram     the distress signal


68. I made the distress call over and over untill I was acknowledged receipt.

   밑줄친 부분과 상통되는 단어는 ?

   repeatedly       gradually        overhead         permanently


69. 다음 중 밑줄친 부분과 뜻이 전혀 다른 것은 ?

   He is a radio operator who is engaged in the service of amateur station

   with a view of                               is occupied in

   takes part in                                 takes place in


70. He (     ) here tomorrow. (  )안에 적당한 단어는 ?

   come           came            will come          will comes


71. “날이 점점 어두워졌다”를 영어로 쓰시오.

    It became darker and darker.


72. Urgency signal may be transmitted only        the authority of the master.

    밑줄친 부분에 들어갈 단어는 ?

   for            on                 by                 with


73. Do you think (     ) the earth is round ?

    (  )안에 들어갈 접속사로 적당한 단어는 ?

   because        that               when              after


74. Send your message" 와 같은 뜻의 약어는 ?


   AS            R                  BT                K


75. The meaning of QRN is ?  그곳은 공전의 방해를 받고 있습니까?

   Is my signal being interfered with ?

   Are you troubled by static ?

   Shall i send faster ?

   Shall i send slowly ?


76. “지구는 태양의 주위를 돈다.”의 영역으로 맞는 것은 ?

   The earth moves round the sun         The earth is round moving the sun

   The earth moves by the sun            the sun moves round the earth


77. The sending station continues to use the working frequency.

    밑줄친 부분과 같은 용법으로 쓰인 것은 ?

   he come to see me last Sunday         he has no friends to play with

   he likes to play baseball                I am glad to see you


78. It absolutely forbidden for amateur station to (    ) for transmitting international

    communications on behalf of third parties.  (   )안에 맞는 것으로 적당한 단어는?

   use             using             be used              being used


79. How is the tone of my transmission ?" 의 적당치 않은 응답은 ?

   good         bad              poor              variable


80. Members of the union shall have the right and shall be subject to the obligations            provided (   )in the convention.  (  )안에 맞는 것은 ? 

   for          to                with              against


81. Tell me (   ) you know. (   )안에 들어갈 단어는 ? 

   which       what            who               when


82. If you are ready to receive the messages from another station, what letter or signal

    do you send for invitation to transmit ?


   we send letter AS                    we send letter R  


    we send letter K                    we send letter AR



83. Distress signal may be transmitted only (   ) the authority of the master.

    (   ) 안에 알맞은 전치사는 ?

   to             for               by                 on


84. 다음 중 구문통화의 발음방법에 음절을 강조한 부분이 맞는 것은 ?

   Jee lee ett   Jee lee ett        Jee lee ett         Jee lee ett

85. QRL" 과 같은 뜻의 것은 ? 

   Are you troubled by static ?                 Are you busy ?

   Shall I increase transmitter power ?         Shall I send faster ?


※ 다음 글을 읽고 아래 물음에 답하시오.

 A : Can I use your dictionary ?             B : Yes, (     ) ahead.

 A : What does this word mean ?            B : (    ) do you spell the word ?

 A : c-h-a-i-n

86. 위 문장의 (A)에 알맞은 말은 ?

   use               go               do                 spell


87. 위 문장의 (B)에 알맞은 말은 ?

  what             where            how                who


88. Government telegrams and service telegrams may (   ) secret language in all relations.

    (   )안에 들어갈 적당한 말은 ? 

   be written in    be expressed in   be explained in   be recorded in


89. 다음의 대화 중 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 적당한 것은 ? 

    (A) : Tomorrow is Saturday.  let's go skating tomorrow afternoon.

    (B) : I am sorry, (           ).

   I must go      I can go         I could go         I can't go


90. 다음의 문장을 읽고  (  )안에 들어갈 말로 적당한 것은 ? 

    The clock has two hands. the long (   ) is the minute hand, and the short (   ) is the

    hour hand

   one-it         it-it             it- one             one-one


91. QRS"의 뜻이 옳은 것은 ? 

   Shall I send faster ?                     Will you send faster ?

   Shall I send more slowly ?              Will you send more slowly ?


92. 다음 중 동사의 활용이 틀린 것은 ?

   take - took - taken                    come - came - came

   make - made - made                  meet - met - met


93. 다음 중 구문통화 발음방법에서 음절을 강조한 것이 틀린 것은 ?

   W - Wiss key  X - Ecks ray    Y - Yang key     Z - Zoo loo


94. 다음 중 약어의 설명이 옳지 아니한 것은 ? 

   CQ - General call to all stations.        CL - I am closing my stations.

   COL - Collate                            NIL - Negative


95. Please turn off the transmitter. 밑줄친 부분의 뜻에 맞는 것은 ? 

   change the direction of                 stop

   listen to slow                           put in


96. Are you ready ?" 와 같은 뜻의 부호는 ? 

   QRU ?        QRV ?          QRW ?            QSV ?


97. The calling stations wishes (   ) its radio telegrams in series.  (   )안에 맞는 것은 ?

   to send         sending          sent           for sending


98. To promote the development of technical facilities and their most efficient operation

    with a view to (   ) the efficiency of telecommunication services. (  )안에 맞는 것은 ? 

  be improving     improving        improve           having improved


99. All members shall be eligible for election to the administrative council.

   밑줄 친 부분을 다른 말로 나타내면 ?  

  ㉮ ~is age to elect                       ㉯ ~is suitable for

  ㉰ ~is desirable for                      ㉱ ~is entitled to elect


100. What signal do you send for the urgency signal in radio telegraphy ?

   we are sent xxx repeat 3 times.       we are sent xxx repeated 3 time.

   we send xxx repeated 3 times.         we send xxx repeat 3 time.


101. The meaning of QSY is ? 

   Change to transmission on another frequency.

   I am going to send on this frequency.

   Your frequency varies.

   I am busy.


102. 라디오를 발명한 사람은 누구입니까? 를 영작하면? 

   Who is the men that has invented the radio ?

   Who is the men who invented the radio ?

   Who is the men who had invented radio ?

   Who is the men that invented the radio ?


103. If (   ) ten years since I came here.  (  )안에 들어갈 단어는? 

   is               was             has been         had been

104. 다음 ( )안에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

    He has (           ) books than I .


105. I had nothing (       ) yesterday afternoon.

   did            to do            do                doing


106. 다음 중 구문통화 " R"의 발음방법에 음절을 강조한 부분이 맞는 것은 ?

   Row me oh    Row me oh    Row me oh      Row me oh


107. The call may be repeated at shorter intervals if there is no reason to believe that

     will interfere with communication in progress.  밑줄 친 부분의 해석으로 맞는 것은 ?

  ㉮ ~라고 믿을 수 있을 때 한해서          ㉯ ~라고 믿을 수 있는 이유가 있을 때

  ㉰ ~않는다고 인정되는 때에 한해서        ㉱~라고 믿기 위해서 이유를 말할 수 없을 때


108. (    ) was the strength of interference that I could hardly read your signals.

     (    )안에 들어갈 단어는 ?

   such           although           so much            so heavy


109. 다음의 문장에서 (   )안에 알맞은 말은 ?  She wanted (    ) on the chair.

   me to sit      my to sit          me to sitting        my to sitting


110. 무선전화 통화에 있어서 “잠시 기다려라”에 해당하는 단어는 ?

   Roger         Verity             Stand by             Wait out


111. The sending station continues (    ) the working frequency .

   to use        use                using                 used


112. 다음의 문장에서 (   )안에 들어갈 적당한 전치사는 ? 

     It is necessary for a mobile station to send signals (   ) testing.

   to            for                of               by


113. The rain stopped us (    ) going.

   from        to               in                by


114. 다음의 문장에서 의미가 가장 가까운 것은 ?

  Telegrams exchanged between administrations and recognized private operating agencies.

    service telegrams                   government telegrams

   official telegrams                    telegraphy


115. I'll call you when I (    ) ready.

   am          shall be          have been         shall have been

116. He stayed (       ) late last night.

   on          up                in                  too


117. What distress signals do you send In radio telegraphy and radio telephony,

     respectively ?

   We send SOS in  radio telegraphy, and mayday in radio telephony, respectively.

   We send SOS or mayday, respectively.

   We send three repeating of the group of SOS or mayday.

   We send SOS in radio telephony, and may in radio telegraphy, respectively.


118. 다음 중 형용사형 어미로 틀린 것은 ?

   dusty        gloomy           misery           rainy


119. In radio telegraphy, the use of the signals (    ) shall be reserved for the station

     controlling distress traffic. (    )안에 들어갈 적당한 말은 ?

   QRT SOS                        QRT distress       

   seelonce mayday                 seelonce distress


120. The call sign of my stations is HL4HVM.로 대답이 나올 수 있는 질문은 ?

   What does the call sign of your station ?

   What is the call sign of your station ?

   What is the call sign of my station ?

   What do you call your station ?


121. I am in communication (    ) another station. (  )안에 맞는 말은 ? 

   to           with               for               in


122. 무선전화 통화에 대한 약어 중 “Acknowledge" 와 같은 뜻의 무선전신 약어는 ?

   I read back   I will read back    You read back     You will read back


123. Unknown station"과 같은 뜻의 Q 약어는 ? 

   QRY              QRX               QRZ                QRV


124. Repeat the last telegram (   ) you sent me. (  )안에 들어갈 단어는 ?

   which             who               whose               that


125. "stand by"의 뜻으로 옳은 것은 ?

  ㉮ 잠시(1,2초간) 기다려라.                    ㉯ 잠시 기다려라.

  ㉰ 기다려라.                                  ㉱ 잠시(5,6초간) 기다려라



1 급 아마추어 무선기사 통신영어

1. Yes, 긍정 또는 승인의 뜻을 가진 절차 용어는?

   In figures      affirmative          All before        verify

figures : 모양의 , affirmative   : 단정,긍정, verify: 검증 확증

2. (    ) returning home from my trip, I found that a notice of my success in the

   examination had reached home. 

   on              At                 From              Since


3. It is absolutely (     ) for amateur stations to be used for transmitting               international communications on behalf of third parties.

   allocated       forbidden           equity             transmitter

forbidden  :금지된, equity: 공평한 , behalf :이익

4. ITU 협약에서 사용되는 “전권위원회”의 기관 명으로 옳은 것은? 

   The Administrative Council                    The General Conference

   The Plenipotentiary Conference                The General Committee


5. “전리층 파” 이라는 영문으로 옳은 것은 ? 

   Ionospheric wave                               Tropospheric wave

   Stratospheric wave                             Harmonic wave


6. 다음의 문장 중에서 뜻에 가장 적합한 것은 ? 

   Manager of an internal personal trust  

   Manager of an internal company trust

   Custodians of an external private trust 

   Custodians of an international public trust


7. Would you (    ) do me a favor ?"

   kindly enough     like kindly         too kind         kindly


8. What Q Code abbreviation do you use in radio telegraphy to express the meaning     of Stop sending"?

   QRN              QRT               QTR             QRX


9. 다음 질문의 답으로 적당치 않은 것은 ? 

   What is the intelligibility of my signal ?"

   Bad             Good              Nil               Fair

10. 다음 영문에 대한 뜻으로 가장 적당한 것은 ?

   Six passengers were more or less seriously injured in the wreck."

  ㉮ 그 사고로 6명의 승객이 다소 중상을 입었다.

  ㉯ 그 사고로 정도의 차이는 있으나 6명의 승객이 중상을 입었다.

  ㉰ 그 선박 위에서 6명의 승객이 많이 다친 사람도 있고 경상을 입은 사람도 있었다.

  ㉱ 그 선박 위에서 6명의 승객이 다소 상처를 입었다.


11. A equipment for emitting electromagnetic wave is a (          ).

   station         receiver          oscillator         transmitter


12. 무선전화 통화중 중단시간이 길어질 때 사용하는 것은 ? 

   Stand by      Wait            Head back          Wait out


13. Telecommunication by means of radio waves is (   ).  (   )안에 알맞은 말은?

   amateur station                             radio communication 

   radio operator                               radio station


14. What do you call the signal consisting of a series of twelve dash as sent in    one minute ?"

   It is one of the distress signals.            It is a safety signal.

   We call it an alarm signal.                 We call it a urgency signal.


15. “귀국은 당국으로부터 거리가 얼마나 됩니까?”를 영역한 것으로 맞는 것은 ?

   How many miles are from my station ?     

   How about miles are you from my ?

   How from approximately are my station ?

   How far approximately are from my station ?


16. Before making a call of transmission, a radio operator shall : 

   listen for own call sign.            

   send a series of VVV.

  tune up the transmitter to maximum out put.

   listen on the frequency proposed to use.


17. 다음 중 묶음이 있는 단어는 ? 

   Comb         Later           Extra             Fever



18. ITU does imply the expression! of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the         union  concerning the sovereignty or the legal status of any country.

    에서 밑줄 친 단어의 뜻은 ?

  ㉮ 생존            ㉯ 주권             ㉰ 자유             ㉱ 영토


19. The meeting has put off until next Sunday. 에서 밑줄 친 단어의 뜻은 ?

Postpone        Return           Recall          Suggest

Put off = postpone 늦추다.

20. The season that comes before fall is (    ) . (  )안에 알맞은 것은 ?

   October       snow            summer           autumn


2급 아마추어 무선기사 통신영어

1. The communication which has the top priority if (    ). 

   distress call                           calling the reply    

   urgent communication                 safety signal


2. 다음 문장과의 연결이 적당하지 아니한 것은 ?

  All stations are forbidden to carry out:" forbidden:금지된

   Unnecessary transmission

   The transmission of signals without identification

   Distress message

   The transmission of superfluous signals and correspondence


3. 다음 단어 중 밑줄 친 발음이 나머지 셋과 틀린 것은 ? 

   chorus           anchor           stomach             chop


4. Select the most adequate translation for the following words :

   terrestrial Radio communication. 밑줄 친 부분의 해석은 ?

  ㉮ 지하무선통신      ㉯ 지하유선통신     ㉰ 지상무선통신       ㉱ 지상유선통신


5. Must you keep watch on the calling frequency 500 [KHz] ?"

   No, I (      ) not." (  )안에 들어갈 단어는 ?

   need              can              must              may


6. [ Unknown station ]의 뜻을 가진 Q 부호는? 

   QRY             QRV             QRZ              QRX


7. Members shall safeguard the radio channels and installations within their            jurisdiction.   

 ㉮ 허가권        ㉯ 행동권           ㉰ 행정권            ㉱ 관할권


8. He is able (       ) communicate in English.  (  )안에 알맞은 말은 ? 

   in             to               at                about


9. He wasted all the money which had been saved by his father.

  ㉮ 낭비하다      ㉯ 증식하다         ㉰ 투자하다          ㉱ 저축하다


10. Select one in correct language.  The working languages of ITU shall be : 될 수 없는 것은?

   spanish         German         English          French


11. “나는 대개 <st2:time w:st=on" Minute="0" Hour="8" o:ls="trans">8</st2:time> 식사를 한다”의 영역으로 가장 적합한 것은 ? 

   I eat at eight mostly dine.           I mostly at eight eat.

   Mostly eat I at eight.                I mostly dine at eight


12. During the course of their transmissions, amateur stations shall transmit their

    (     ) at short intervals.  (  )안에 적당한 단어는 ? 

   call sign      name          location            country


13. ITU의 원어는? 

   International Traffic Union                  International Telephone Union

   International Telecommunication Union   Interim Telecommunication Union


14. 통상통신주파수 올바른 뜻은 ? 

   Normal communication frequency.         Normal using frequency

   Normal working frequency                Normal sending frequency


15. His signal is strong, (     ).  (  )안에 알맞은 말은?

   Isn't it         Not at all           frequency          O.K


16. QRB에 관계되는 것은 다음 중 어느 것인가 ?

   Hours of service       Distance         frequency        transmission

17. Can you tell me the correct Q code abbreviation for shall I increase power ?"

   QIP ?          QRS ?              QRO ?             QRP ?


18. Any radio communication other then space service and radio astronomy is

    terrestrial radio communication. 밑줄 친 부분의 뜻은 ? astronom :천문학

  ㉮ 해양학        ㉯ 천문학             ㉰ <st2:PersonName w:st=on"><st1:Sn w:st=on">위</st1:Sn><st1:GivenName w:st=on">성학</st1:GivenName></st2:PersonName>                ㉱ 항공학


19. 아마추어 무선을 포함한 대한민국 전기통신의 “주관청”은 어디인가 ? 

    It is the                     

   Korean Monitoring Office             Ministry of Communication

   Radio Monitoring Office              Radio Regulatory Office


20. ITU 협약에서 사용되는 “국제주파수등록위원회”의 영작으로  옳은 것은 ? 

   The International Frequency Registration Commission.

   The International Frequency Registration Syndicate.

   The International Frequency Registration Committee.

   The International Frequency Registration Board




   1-1급 영어시험문제


   1-1급 영어시험문제

1. 다음 중 과거형 동사 변화 중 틀린 것은 ?

   ring - rang                      string - strang       

   sing - sang                      swing - swung


2. All the permanent organs of the union shall be (     ) at the conference in an       advisory capacity.

   represented       excluded          outsted         gonoe


3. “만일의 경우에 대비하다” 의 영문은 “Provide against a (   ) day"

   rainy             bad                sad             stormy


4. By (   ) was this telegram sent?

   who              which             whose           whom


5. Can you understand?" You can speak to me (   ) on that subject"

   with plain       plainly            plain             plaining

6. His (   ) handwriting resulted from haste and carelessness rather than from

   the inability to from the letters correctly?

   beautiful       careful            unreadable         clear


7. An instrument used for measuring the mount of current in ampere is (   )."

   watt meter    ohm meter       volt meter          am meter


8. Urgent business kept me (    ) coming yesterday." (  )안에 들어갈 단어는?

   to            from              of                  without


9. QSA"의 뜻은?

   I can communicate with you in .........   

   You are being called by .........  

   The intelligibility of your signals is ...... (1 to 5)

   The strength of your signals is ...... (1 to 5)


10. 21MHz로 응답하겠습니다.” 의 알맞은 영역은?

   I will relay on 21MHz              I did hear you on 21MHz

   I am going to reply on 21MHz     I am listening on 21MHz


11.He is thirteen, He will (   ) fourteen next year. (  )안에 들어갈 단어는?

   for             on                by                 with


12. You will have to reduce your transmitter power.

   밑줄친 부분과 같은 뜻을 단어는?

   cut off         cut across       cut away           cut down


13. They speak only english. 주어진 문장과 같은 뜻이 되도록 바르게 바꾼 것은?

   They are speak only english.       They are spoken only english.

   only english is spoken by them.    only english is speak by them.


14. “참 좋은 날씨구나.”를 바르게 영역한 것은?

   What fine day it is!                How fine day it is!

   What a fine day it is!              How a fine day it is!


15. He read the letter again and again. 밑줄 친 부분과 바꾸어 쓸 수 있는 것은?

   easily        or so              on and on         over and over

16. Select the most adequate translation for the following word Radionavigation.

  ① 무선이용        ② 무선점검          ③ 무선전자파          ④ 무선항행


17. Any harmful interference resulting from tests and experiments shall be   eliminated  with the least delay. 밑줄 친 단어의 올바른 뜻은?

  ① 선출하다        ② 제거하다         ③ 선택하다            ④ 감싸다


18. The members of the IFRB shall serve not as representing their country, but

    as custodians of an international public trust. 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 같은 것은?

   guardian      customer          janitor             officer


19. Determination of the orbit, velocity or instantaneous position of an object in   space by means of radiodetermination is (    ).   (  )안에 들어갈 단어는?

   space telecommand                          space telemetering 

   space research                              space tracking


20. As a matter (      ) fact, I am very much interested in HAM.

   of              with               about               in


21. Why was your cousin put in jail?"

    (     ) arrest is a crime, you known."

   resisting      The resisting     resisting to        resisting of


22. Let's go to the picnic this Saturday, (       ) ?

   shall we       please          aren't you         do you mind


23. “본문도 서명도 없는 전보는 취급하지 않는다.”의 영역으로 틀린 것은?

   Telegrams which contain neither written massage not signature are not  accepted.

   Telegrams without both text and signature are not admitted.

   Telegrams which don't contain neither written massage or signature are not  accepted.

   Telegrams which contain neither text or signature are not accepted.


24. Members are required to prevent the transmission of false or deceptive distress     signals

   readable          true            suitable            misleading


25. Administration should notify preferably before the date of commencement of the      seasonal period concerned.

  ① 종료일          ② 변경일          ③ 개시일             ④ 최소일


26. Signals for testing and adjustment shall be chosen in such a manner that no

   confusion will arise with a signal having a special meaning defined in the  regulations.

   calculation       imagination      friction          disorder


27. (    ) returning home from my trip, I found that a notice of my success in the

    examination had reached home.

   on              At                From              Since


28. Would you (      ) do me a favour?

   kindly enough      enough kindly    too kind        kindly


29. A equipment for emitting electromagnetic waves is (      ) ?

   station           receiver           oscillator         transmitter


30. Telecommunication by means of radio waves is (      ) ?

  radio station                              amateur station   

   radio operator                            radio communication


31. Must you keep watch on the calling frequency 500[KHz] ?"

     No I (     ) not."

   need              may              must             can


32. The increasing technology of our society means that (  ) ?

   it is important having a good scientific background.

   A good background scientifically is necessary to have.

   A good scientific background is important

   A good scientific background must be had.


33. I don't have (    ) for you send."

   something       anything          nothing          everything


34. In order the stations may be readily identified, each station shall transmit its

    identification during the cross of transmission (     ).

   by changing the frequency time to time.

   by reducing the radiated power.

   by sending the call sign.

  by changing the class of emission.


35. I am looking forward to (   ) to soon.

   see            seeing              seen               be seen


36. The board may be able offer with a view to the satisfactory solution of the          problem.  

   various      responsible         adequate           illegible


37. 다음 밑줄 친 것 중 틀리는 것은?


 A person who can't be enthusiastic about things won't make very far in


this world.


38. He is able (      ) communicate in english.

   in              at                about               to


39. She worked hard (    ) that she might succeed.

   so            as               and                such


40. He wishes he (    ) play tennis.

   could          can              will              shall



1998년도에 전신 1급 시험에 도전하면서 몇 권의 책에서 발췌한 문제이며,

   서투른 독수리 타법으로 인하여 혹시 오타, 또는 잘못된 문제가 있을 수도

   있겠지만  그래도 모든 분들의 합격의 염원이 함께 하길 기원 드립니다.

   그 당시에 서귀포사무소(hl0hse)에서는 HL4CDA,  HL4HQB,  HL4HRI.

   그리고 본인(HL4HVM) 4명이 열심히 공부해서 합격의 영광을 누릴 수



   아무쪼록 조금이나마 보탬이 되었으면 하는 마음으로 기도 드리며

   OP고사를 준비하는 모든 분에게 합격의 축복이 있길 기원합니다.

    ==========  HL4HVM 범 재후 올림  ==============

















































2급 영어














































































It became darker and darker











1급 영어


























































































































































































































    영어시험 선다형 문제        성명(           )   점수(       )



영어시험 선다형 문제 (1-1)  성 명(           )   점수(      )











































































































































































































































































































































































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